Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Globalization of Impact in Society Essay Example for Free

Globalization of Impact in Society Essay The technique and fundamentals used within different parts of the world vary significantly, for modern values prevail. The vastness of globalization has impacted a majority of nations across the world. One way of looking at Globalization through the advantages and disadvantages of its nature is to overlook society’s changes from generation to generation. The complexities of convergence through trade and social processes establish a variety of commodities between cultures. In part of sharing heritages of different cultures the experience of new found goods in intellect and materialistic sources take our interest in influencing positive or negative reactions. W. J. Perry a cultural anthropologist leader wrote a Journal over culture. In the journal he talks about the diversity among cultures and the meaning behind civilizations. He states, â€Å"that various peoples, in different parts of the earth, had, independently of one another, elaborated the fundamentals of arts and crafts† (Perry 105). He describes an interesting point specifying of how the process of these experiences occur, â€Å"independently†. The exposure to foreign cultural goods frequently brings about changes in local cultures, values, and traditions. For instance, local farmers who have traditionally earned a living by working their small plots of family-owned land and selling their goods locally may find reason to be concerned by globalization because new availability of foreign foods in a market- often at cheaper prices- can displace local farmers. Such causes make local residents to hate some variations of globalization. Lieber and Weisberg in â€Å"Globalization, Culture, and Identities in Crisis† give an example of why some hate globalization. â€Å"Others, however, have treated globalization of culture as an evil because of their fears of the pervasive power and duplicity of multinational corporations or international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Globalization Crisis, Lieber, Weisberg). On the other hand, there are others whom appreciate the resources that globalization brings from foreign places because there is a sympathetic relation to the arts and crafts available and produced by someone who is thousands of miles away for their unique work in particular subjects, like sculptures, food, clothing, books, jewelry, music, and so much more. Lieber and Weisberg also provide an example of the good side of globalization. â€Å"One observer has asserted that, ‘†¦globalization promotes integration and the removal not only of cultural barriers but many of the negative dimensions of culture. Globalization is a vital step toward both a more stable world and better lives for the people within it’† (Globalization Crisis, Lieber, Weisberg). This is a good point because for some regions in part of the world there are some cultures where such kind of integration can improve or further an interest towards one’s well being; for all human beings share a common notion of intellect. A great revolution occurred through technology, The Information Revolution. Many fundamentalist challenge their skills in competing with this new stream of information such as the computer systems, Ethernet, music, movies, and advertising media. This has created a new movement for individuals not only to work within the field and have a source of income and opportunity to grow in the ambition one seeks but it opens a far more modern aspect of enabling a growing culture all over the world. Since technology and computer systems are relevant in many places around the world today this challenges a new generation with new resources to obtain and fit-in as a means of their culture something that did not exist generations before. It allows for prosperity, however, in some areas there still exists a culture that decide to not be influenced by other cultures instead they are enduring a traditional way of living a society that has carried on from generation to generation without technological growth, they are contemporary hunter-gatherer peoples who, after contact with other societies, continue their ways of life with very little external influence. The nature of the hunter-gatherer persisted in technological techniques to specialize in the domain of survival, using techniques that enable men to use resources in creative measures. As Perry states as well in his journal Tradition, talking about hunter gatherer societies; â€Å"Who still persist in outlying parts of the world† (Perry 106). The level of advancement of a civilization is often measured by its progress in agriculture, trade, performance and abilities of oneself/occupation, and ranking within community distinguish the natural rights of oneself. There is a theory called â€Å"Tabula rasa,† that individuals are born without built-in mental content and that their knowledge comes from ones experience and perception† (Locke, John). Locke’s ability to understand this quality of human intellect is very profound. Tradition is an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior with cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions. Characterizing an individual towards a manner, method, or style such as in America the way of living is much different especially during the midcentury where access to safe, inexpensive electricity was available and made at times simple. Having toasters to house lights to refrigeration, the effects were significant for many Americans. However, not all people benefited from the technological advances that America was attaining. In India and Latin America people did not have the ease access to electricity or technological equipment for the resources a typical American home would have such as the toaster or refrigerator (Jetsetcitizen). The differences between the resources available for a particular society measure considerably in the lack of or more of such customs. Michael Kaye in his journal Tradition condenses the means of this difference very well.

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